Applying regulation EN-ISO 13849-1 & 13849-2 to every part of a safety related control system (SRP/CS)) to implement and validation concerning from a perspective of probability.


The safety functions SF are really important within the industrial Safety field, therefore it is fundamental to apply it correctly and safely on work equipments and machines, according to the directive 2006/42/CE.

We design and we are able to create a protective system that operates and provides enough safety, since it is needed experience and technical knowledge in different areas, applying the standard EN-ISO 13849-1 for all type of machinery independently from technology and type of energy being used (mechanic, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic…etc.), or also the standard EN 62061, functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems.

Due to functional safety is part of the safety related to EUC (Equipment Under Control) and the EUC depends on the correct operation of systems related to the safety of E/E/PE (Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic), we find that it is a characteristic of the Equipment under control and the control system, applying to every component that makes a contribution to the efficiency of the safety function (input switches, logic devices, PLC, Industrial PC…etc.). We check, study and analyze all these requirements, that are covered by standards, in order to:

– Give to the client the required performance level PLr for every part of the control system.
– Design and get the categories to achieve a PLr, and its set-point
– Determining the average time to a dangerous failure MTTFd and the ratio of Diagnostic Coverage (DC), applying FMEA analysis
– Calculus of the performance level achieved with the prescribed solution or designed by the client
– To ensure that the solution is designed to achieve the performance level required (validation)